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Monday, May 26, 2014

Some easy resume tips from job vacancy

A resume gives you the opportunity to share your credentials with potential employers. It should contain your employment history, educational history, organization affiliations and skilled activities.

Resume do need to include

- Format your resume in a reader-friendly style. Use lists or bulleted style to make your resume even more reader-friendly.

- Include up-to-date contact information.

- Include a summary of qualifications to show why you are qualified for the post.

- List your work history in reversed sequential order.

- Include any certifications and skills that you have that relate to the position for which you are applying.

- Proofread and have a few people review your resume for errors.

- Tailor your resume to fit the position for which you are applying. It is okay to have numerous resumes for different types of positions.

For applicants who are still in college, here are some bonus resume tips:

- When applying for an internship or co-op position, include your GPA.

- Include your predictable graduation date.

Resume don't need to include

- Don't use a paragraph format.

- Don't use an unprofessional email address.

- Don't include unrelated hobbies and affiliations.

- Don't include unrelated personal information (i.e., age, number of children, etc.)

- Don't have a resume that is just a few sentences.

- Don't think that your resume has to be one page. If you have an extensive work history, you may need to use additional space so your resume won't be crammed on one page. This will help your resume be reader-friendly.

Thank you !

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